Morris & Ida K. Traum Scholarship Fund
Memorial Funds
Memorial Funds are generally funds established through friends & fellow members of the American Association of Attorney-CPAs in honor of deceased members. These funds are not restricted except for that the use of these funds shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Morris & Ida K. Traum Scholarship Fund
Morris Traum was an attorney and a CPA and was a member of the New York Association of Attorney CPAs and the American Association of Attorney-CPAs. His wife, Ida K. Traum, was an elementary school teacher in the New york City school system for more than 30 years. The scholarship fun was originally begun by Ida K. Traum after the death of her husband and prior to her own death. Additional contributions have been made by their sons, Robert Traum and Sydney S. Traum. Robert Traum holds a degree from NYU School of Commerce, is a Public Accountant registered in New York State, and continues his father’s accounting practice. Syd Traum was President of the AAA-CPA in 1989 and received the Louis Goldberg award in 1994. He holds a BBA degree from CCNY’s Baruch School of Business (now Baruch College), a JD degree from Harvard Law School, and an LLM degree in Taxation from NYU Law School. He practices law in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
The Morris Traum & Ida K. Traum Scholarship Fund is for graduating students of Baruch College of the City University in New York who have majored in accountancy and are committed to becoming licensed as both a CPA and an attorney. Students must have completed law school admission test and have submitted completed applications to one or more law schools. Applicants must submit an essay of at least 500 words clearly stating their academic and work backgrounds as well as their career objectives. Preference should be given to applicants who are working and/or are in financial need. The intent is to provide an annual scholarship of $1,000 to be paid from the income of the fund.