Gloria K. Orin Benevolent Fund
Memorial Funds
Memorial Funds are generally funds established through friends & fellow members of the American Association of Attorney-CPAs in honor of deceased members. These funds are not restricted except for that the use of these funds shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Gloria K. Orin Benevolent Fund
This fund was established by Richard M. Orin in honor of his wife Gloria. Mr. Orin, a founding member and past president of the AAA-CPA, was the first recipient of the Louis S. Goldberg award when it was established in 1984.
The Gloria K. Orin Benevolent Fund provides support for member and members’ families through difficult financial times due to illness, accident, death or misfortune. Such assistance is conditioned upon the member meeting the standards and limitations provided by the Board of Trustees.