“Cherish the fact that we are the only Association of Attorney-CPAs. That we have more in common with each other than Attorneys or Accountants. That is our threshold, and the reason we started.”
— Philip Brent
Mission Statement
The Attorney-CPA Foundation strives to be the leading philanthropic institution dedicated to the study of Law and Accounting. It promotes scholarly research and academic excellence in these two fields with a special emphasis on areas where Law and Accounting intersect or overlap. It promotes education of individuals studying in these joint areas and the education of each profession and the general public about the unique qualities of dually qualified practitioners. It strives to be the primary resource for factual information about issues of specific interest to Attorney-CPAs.
Goals & Objectives of the Foundation
To foster and maintain the honor and integrity of the professions of the Law and Public Accounting and the practice thereof in single or dual capacity;
To study, improve and facilitate the Administration of justice;
To promote the study of law and accounting; the ethical practice thereof, research therin; and the continuing education of lawyers and accountants;
To cause to be published and to distribute addresses, reports, treatises and other literary works on legal and accounting subjects;
To maintain a law and accounting library and research center;
To promote standards of legal and accounting education for the admission to and continuation of the practice of law and public accounting and admissions to specialities within the professions.
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