Laderman Memorial Fund
Memorial Funds
Memorial Funds are generally funds established through friends & fellow members of the American Association of Attorney-CPAs in honor of deceased members. These funds are not restricted except for that the use of these funds shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Laderman Memorial Fund
Samuel Laderman served as the seventh President of the AAA-CPA and was a Director for over 30 years. He commenced his professional career as an Accountant after graduating second in his class at Ohio State University. He was a member of Law Review and a graduate of Cleveland Marshall School of Law. In the late 1940’s, after a brief career with the IRS, Sam entered private practice specializing in Corporation Tax Law. He was also a Certified Business Appraiser. He was married to Cecile Laderman for fifty-eight years, who served as Poet Laureate of AAA-CPA.
The Laderman Memorial Fund was established to honor Samuel Laderman. The fund can be used for anything the Board chooses such as scholarships, education and other programs. Principal and income can be used.