Alexander Gurevitch Fund
Memorial Funds
Memorial Funds are generally funds established through friends & fellow members of the American Association of Attorney-CPAs in honor of deceased members. These funds are not restricted except for that the use of these funds shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Alexander Gurevitch Memorial Fund
Al graduated with a degree in accounting from New York University in 1951. After serving in the Navy, he went full time to Brooklyn Law School after being discharged in 1954 and graduated in 3 years and ranked 6th in his class. After graduating law school in 1957, he passed the Bar and worked for a CPA firm while studying and passing the CPA exam. Al worked in New York State until his death in October 1997. He also did lectures on Princess Cruises before his death, his topic was Wealth Preservation.
This fund was established to honor Alexander Gurevitch, who served as an Officer of The Attorney-CPA Foundation for many years and was past president of the American Association of Attorney-CPAs. The principal and income can be used for scholarships, education and other purposes as approved by the Board.